Friday, May 4, 2012


What do you feel is a theme developing throughout the work?  Support your point with one literary example from the play.  Your answer of 100 words is due by Monday @ 11 PM.


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  2. In Hamlet there is the theme of uncertainty. At the beginning of the play the guards question if they truly see a ghost of the late king. Then why has the ghost of the king come there at all. After Hamlet spoke to the ghost of his father the people around him try to figure out if he is really going mad. And then they suggest that he is driven crazy with love for Ophelia or he is just in a deep depression from the passing of his father and the sudden marriage of his mother and uncle. Hamlet also questions if the ghost is telling the truth and plans to find out by having the players perform ,The Murder of Gonzago, to see his uncle reaction. No one can pin down a sure answer for many of the raised questions.

  3. Hamlet has a theme of madness. Throughout the play you see multiple characters go mad, or act as if they are. You can never truly tell whether Hamlet himself is truly mad or pretending to be so, it seems to me that he is a little of both. Many characters experience stints of madness. In scene 1 Bernardo and Marcellus have been seeing a ghost and they therefore feel as if they are going mad. They summon Horatio who is seen as a reasonable man to prove that they aren’t crazy. Horatio throughout the whole play is used as a foil against all the madness that seems to overtake everyone at some point.

  4. A commone theme in Hamlet would be a sense of duty. Hamlet struggles throughout the beginning oh the play with the "right" course of action to take. When his father's ghost reveals the cirumstances of his death, he implores Hamelt to avenge his death. Hamlet then takes extreme courses of actions from that point on to fufill his duty to his father. Not only does this feeling come from his want to avenge his father, but also from his duty to Denmark and himself. Hamlet hates the present situation of his mother and unlce, and this fuels his hatred of the current circumstances. Hamlet's since of duty will lead him to do even the most extreme's throughout the play, of which will unfold.

  5. In the play Hamlet, I believe insanity is a prominent theme. The two guards Bernardo and Marcellus claim to see the ghost of The King, who is Hamlets father. They later call for Hamlet to come witness the apparition of The King. Later Hamlet talks with the ghost of his father and becomes mad when he hears how his father had been murdered. And to add to Hamlets madness his uncle married his mother. Another notion to his insanity is the way Hamlet acts towards Ophelia. He speaks to her in private at one point and shows signs of insanity.

  6. In Hamlet, there are many different themes throughout the play. But one reaccuring theme that stood out to me the most was insanity. All through the play, people see the ghost of Hamlet's father and later on Hamlet himself sees him in the forest and has a conversation with him. Hamlet also displays signs of insanity towards his love Ophelia. When he talks to her in private after writing the note expressing his love to her, he shows many signs that he is not feeling normal. Most of this insanity comes from Hamlet's resentment towards his mother after his father was killed and she marries his uncle. He becomes angry because of how people moved on with their lives so quickly after his father's death which causes paranoia which leads to insanity.

  7. Hamlet has a theme of insanity. The first hint of insanity is when the guards see the ghost of Hamlet's father. They all want to talk to the ghost and Hamelt actually does communicate with it in the forest. This shows insanity by them talkin to a non existing being. When Ophelia is so upset and taken back by when Hamlet sneaks into her room after talking to his father's ghost also shows he is acting a little strange. Ophelia's father also notices that Hamlet is going mad but he doesn't know if he is acting or actually insane, which could be madness in himself. Hamlet shows another sign of insanity when he confesses his love for Ophelia when they talk privately and she gives him back his notes and he screams and drags her across the room basically. These all show sings of insanity which are derive from Hamlet's knowledge of his father's murder.

  8. One theme showed in Hamlet is confusion and uncertainty. Hamlet is in such a strong state on confusion when he communicates with the ghost of his father. Soon after he talks to the ghost of his father he "goes mad," but a lot of his madness is a front for all of the people around him to see. I think that a lot of his so called madness is just his confusion towards seeing the ghost of his father and seeing his mother marry his uncle. His love for Ophelia shows another source of confusion and uncertainty. When he speaks with her privately it truly shows that Hamlet is not in the ordinary.

  9. One theme strongly provoked in Hamlet is the impossibility of being certain. At the beginning of the play, the two guards, Bernardo and Marcellus, claim to see the ghost of Hamlet’s father, the King who recently passed. They both come to the question are they really seeing a ghost and if so why is the ghost there? After speaking with his father’s ghost, people begin to think Hamlet has gone insane. People wondered if it was his love for Ophelia that drove him mad? Or was it the sudden marriage between his mother and uncle? Hamlet decides later to put on a play to see if the ghost was right, and to see his uncle’s reactions. Did his uncle kill his father? All throughout the play Hamlet and friends are struck with these bewildering questions and uncertainty.

  10. In Hamlet a recurring theme is insanity. Throughout the play people start seeing the ghost of hamlets father. Plus after Hamlet see's his father he begins to act "different" around his peers. This leads his peers to think him to be mad. Though some think it’s because of his love for Ophelia, his sadness over the death of his father, or that he is pretending to be mad to plot his revenge on his uncle for killing his father. Insanity can drive people to do something they wouldn’t of done otherwise. Merely everyone with the exception of Horatio shows a sense of madness.

  11. Confusion and insanity are two ongoing themes in this play. Two guards think they have seen the ghost of Hamlet's father. Not knowing if they have gone insane or if the ghost actually appeared. Hamelt is confused on why his mother would marry his fathers brother. This confusion seems to drive him mad with rage and vengeance. He sees his father and follows him into the woods where his father tells Hamlet of his death. He had been poisoned by his brother for the throne. This further sends Hamelt into a deep confusion. Hamelt then begins to act strange and talk out of the normal. You begin to question his state of mind. Hamlet also seems to be uncertain about his love for Ophelia. In one scene he talks about his love for her then in then next scene he wishes her to go to a nunnery.

  12. One of the many themes shown in Hamlet is that of revenge. The ghost of Hamlet’s father requests that Hamlet exacts his revenge on his uncle Claudius. It is revealed that Claudius used poison against the late King Hamlet to kill him, though he makes it seem like a natural death instead of a murder. Claudius killed the king, then he married his widow and took the throne for himself. Hamlet is then asked by the ghost to avenge the murder. It is becoming clear that Hamlet is planning to act upon this request to kill his uncle Claudius.

  13. I think a theme in the play Hamlet is the sanity, or lack of, in mankind. There is a lot of stress on Hamlet, since his father's ghost has told him to take revenge on his uncle. Hamlet is supportive of this, and he also harbors a lot of anger towards his mother and uncle. This pressurized anger could cause a slight cracking in his mind, and throughout the play Hamlet pretends to be insane to mess with the other character, though there are times that he could be truly crazy. All his actions make sense in his own mind, but the other characters find him increasingly disturbed. This reflects on society today - all of our actions usually make sense to us, but others could think we're crazy.
